Thursday, October 22, 2009


The last 2 days have not been great.  Yesterday was hard and last night, I gave in to Ben & Jerry.  I also did not exercise.  It doesn't seem to have done any damage, but it wasn't good, either.  At my consultation Tuesday, I was the same weight, lost another 1.5 inches, and my body fat went down 1% again.  Yay!

I just ate a bunch of raw veggies and now I have a stomach ache.

So, I'm still hanging in here... praying that I'm not getting sick again.  Evan complained of a headache this evening and asked for some pain reliever.  He NEVER wants to take meds.  Poor guy! 

Hope to update more tomorrow!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 24 and I'm sore!

Today, I went walking with my friend Kim at the mall.  We walked swiftly for about 90 mins... lil one in tow in the stroller.  My hips are so sore!  I'm not going to get on the treadmill tonight.  Tomorrow, is my weigh-in/measurement day.  I'm anxious to see how it goes.  After 3 days of exercise, my scale was at a stand still this morning.  I've started taking my vitamins, eating pretty well (maybe not enough), exercising, and I'm feeling pretty good :)  The next hurdle is getting all of that water down - ack!! 

Meal #1
HB egg
fruit & yogurt parfait

Meal #2
Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad - half size
dressing on the side

Light string cheese
Reduced Fat Cheez Its
Red pepper strips

Meal #3
Lean taco beef
FF cheese
FF sour cream
red peppers
romaine mix

SF fudgecicle

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Adventures in Exercise - A New Chapter \o/

I've been on the treadmill for 3 nights.  The 1st night, I forgot to take a picture.  I am gradually moving up!!!

Night #1        Calories Burned: 415  time : 32mins    distance: 1.6 mi   Treadclimber steps: 205

Night #2

Night #3 (tonight)

The secret?  How it's getting me away from the computer?  Haha!  I am plopping the laptop on the book tray on the treadmill.  :)  Smart girl !!  This way, the time flies.

I'm still logging food in my  Wellness Bridge food diary that I have to turn in weekly.  I'll get it on here soon, I promise!! 

Friday, October 16, 2009

Catching up... (Day 21)

I'm a little behind on menus.  I'll work on catching up this weekend.  I've done well with menus except for the cinnamon roll tonight.  Since I gave into the cinnamony deliciousness, I forced myself to get on the treadmill.  I did 1.5 miles in about 32 minutes.  I was able to do 205 steps on the Treadclimber.  Increasing this number will be a good measure of my new fitness level.  I burned 415 calories. Victory!

Evan got my iPod working, after an hour on the phone with Apple and no success.  That helped with not being bored for that 32 minutes.  (The TV isn't in that room any more.)  My goal would be to spend at least 30 mins on the Treadclimber at least 5 days per week and I'll be getting my gym membership very soon, too. 

This morning, I weighed 213 again... this is a loss of 8 pounds.  2 more to go to my 1st goal of 10 lbs for Dr G.  I've been at it for about 3 weeks. 

Time to load more songs on the iPod.

xox  Chris

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back on the Wagon -- day 19

There's white shit falling from the sky!  *aghhhhhhh*

Meal #1 1:00pm
Lean burger
slice of provolone
Giant salad (romaine mix w/ carrots & red cabbage, red peppers, mushrooms, red onion, tomato)
Fat Free Ken's Raspberry Pecan dressing

I'm going to get on my Treadclimber today.  I'm inspired.  However, Dave took the TV out of that room...  argh!  So now I have to wait for 1 of the kids to get home so that I can borrow an iPod.  lol !  I need to just get one for myself.   Maybe I'll go do that.  ;)

Meal #2  7:00pm
Chicken breast
Slice FF cheese
Red onions, red & green peppers, mushrooms sauteed in olive oil

Snack 11:00 pm
Baby carrots
FF ranch dip
Lite string cheese

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick update 10.13.09

I had my WB consult today.  Even though my appetite has been quite insatiable and I have had cinnamon rolls and apple crisp (I've been off plan for a few days!), I was still down the 7 pounds and also 4 inches!  I could tell that my chest was smaller, as I went down to the last clasp on my bra :)  I should be able to get down the 1st 10 lb goal from my Dr quite easily...  I am very pleased!

My reward was getting my hair done & 2 shirts from the clearance rack at Old Navy. 

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Scarlet Letter - "S" for Slacker

I have Wellness Bridge tomorrow.  I've been so bad this week.  Now that I am feeling better, I have an insatiable appetite again.  I'm still not sleeping.  I've lost my mojo.  This is going to make for a rough appointment.  So, tomorrow, I'll be starting over again.  I had lost 8 pounds, but that was mostly because I was so ill. 

I started working on another blog of recipes...  I put the Google ads on it.  I hope that it goes over well.

Good night - back to Paranormal State.  xoxo

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 14 10.9.09

I'm watching Sarah Chalke in "Why I Wore Lipstick to my Mastectomy."  I love this movie.  I'm also counting my blessings because I feel so incredibly blessed and fortunate at this moment.  Taking this journey has even more meaning.  This road to being healthy will be so worth it.

Meal #1

Egg Salad (HB egg, light miracle whip, dill, mustard, paprika, salt, & pepper)
1/2 whole wheat pita
baby carrots
FF ranch dip

Meal #2

Dreamfield's spaghetti
red sauce w/ mushrooms
... and a cinnamon roll.

The last 2 days, I haven't done very well.  Not getting my water in and not eating nearly enough.  I know it. 
The rest of the cinnamon rolls are going to work with Dave in the morning.  I found an incredible recipe and had to make them.  A pan went across the street to the neighbors & the rest, gone in the morning.  This is a victorious move... a step above the rice krispy treats.  Tomorrow, my goal is to be back on plan and get the water in.  Saturday, we'll be at the football field most of the day.  I need to prepare for that and take some snacks and water with me. 

....  back to my movie!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

blah, blah, diet, blah, blah

So, today was pretty much a wash.  I guess it could've been worse.  I had to drop my car off for service in the morning & I took my mom to breakfast because she drove me there.  We went to Denny's and I had the "Superbird" sandwich and some hashbrowns.

We had dinner out, too, at Applebee's.... had to pick up the car @ 6:30.  I had an Oriental chicken salad w/ a tiny bit of the dressing.

Tonight, I gave into the Graeter's ice cream that was a gift.  I had about 4 spoonsful. 

Tomorrow, we'll get back on the wagon.  ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 12 10.6.09

Yeah, Dave has the zoofus - bad!  Poor guy.  He still went to work. 12 hours.  UGH!

Meal #1

Baked, breaded chicken cutlet
Giant salad (romaine mix, cucumber, tomato, red onion)
Sprinkle of cheddar
FF ranch
Handful of pretzel sticks

Meal #2

Whole Wheat pasta
Red sauce with mushrooms & lean beef
carrot sticks, red peppers, and cucumbers
FF Ranch dip


SF fudgesicle
(a damn) Rice krispy treat (I need to throw them away - the kids aren't eating them!)

Monday, October 5, 2009

10.5.09 Day 11 ! - feeling better - now I can't get full again. Vicious cycle.

Meal #1
1/2 whole wheat pita
FF swiss cheese slice
Lettuce, tomato

Meal #2
Grilled chicken breast
FF swiss cheese slice
sauteed peppers, onions, mushrooms, garlic in olive oil
steamed broccoli

handful pretzel sticks
SF fudgecicle
Rice krispy treat - I know - I can't make them again
Frozen berries w/ 30 calories worth Cool Whip Free

Some pics from today...  Look at these giant 'shrooms

And my ridiculous fridge.... *sigh*  I am finding this to be
* time consuming
* expensive
* taking up a ton of space

I know that it'll be worth it...  but it's been hard work!  I can't get one more thing in there.

I am also a food hoarder... We could probably live off of my "stock" (fridge, 2 freezers, pantry, top of cabinets in kitchen & 2 shelving units full) for a few months.  Having to have this much "fresh" food is throwing me for a loop. 

On the sleeping front... even with Ambien, I was up til 4:30 this morning.  I got Avery up and on the bus at 8:15 and then went back to sleep til about 1:30.  I have to get out of this sleep pattern.  I guess it won't be too bad when Dave has to go to midnights (which will last a few months).  Kim and I are going to start walking as soon as we can both be well.  That will feel great and will be an "appointment" that I have to get out of bed for at a certain time.  Wonderful!!! 


Meal #1
Egg omelette w/ onions, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, red peppers
1/2 whole wheat pita

Meal #2
Whole Wheat pasta
tomato sauce w/ meat & mushrooms
carrot sticks & red pepper strips
fat free dip

handful of pretzel sticks
SF fudgesicle

Saturday, October 3, 2009

10.3.09 - Day 9

I'm starting to feel better today!  Yay!
I went to Connor's football game and got 2 meals in. 

Meal #1
Beef & noodles (I think about 2 cups - oops)
baby carrots

Meal #2
Grilled chicken breast
giant salad (romaine mix, tomato, cucumber, red peppers, black olives, 1 T mozzarella)
Fat free ranch

Friday, October 2, 2009

Update for the past 2 days - 7 & 8

Yesterday was my worst day yet with this illness.  I woke up very nauseated and congested.  I'm also post a D&C and my cycle is HORRIBLE.  I thought I was starting to hemorrhage.  I didn't eat anything until evening yesterday.  I had some chicken parmesan and a salad.  I have been up very, very late and sleepin in thru the mornings.  I have to get out of this cycle.  I am down 8 pounds.

Today is as follows:

Meal #1 - 2:30 pm
Chicken Breast w/ a bit of BBQ Sauce
Sliced tomatoes
Carrot sticks
Fat free ranch dip

Snack -  6:30 pm
1 Weight Watchers key lime yogurt
1/3 c. bran buds
1 c. strawberries

Dinner - 8:30 pm
2 c. beef & noodles (w/ mushrooms)
SF fudge pop