Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Wellness Bridge - Meet Judi Hladek, my hero!

The Wellness Bridge's mission statement is this...

"The Wellness Bridge will provide people with a connection between health
and wellness through education, motivation, guidance, encouragement, and compassion
so that they can help themselves achieve the goal of physical, psychological, and
spiritual wellness."

"The Wellness Bridge will empower people to be well in body, mind, and spirit now and in future generations...."

And she stands by that.  In my weakest moments, she's there to help pick myself up and show me that we are all human.  Sometimes, I am just going to eat that cookie.  And that's okay.  She put up with my times of resistance with a smile on her face and she's also the first person to enthusiastically congratulate me on my accomplishments, no matter how small or how large it may be. 

What words could be said about Judi that could ever describe what she means to the people she helps... ? The people she helps to find the power inside of themselves to save their own lives... To "Be Well." Angel, mentor, coach, guide, teacher, miracle maker... Those would all cover how we feel about Judi. But, I am so, so honored to be able to call her my FRIEND...

A wise person once said, "To the world, you may be one person.  But to one person, you may be the world."  Judi, YOU have changed my life... just by being there, teaching me, listening to me when I needed that more, and believing in me.  I could never say thank you enough for being my partner in saving my life and the lives of my children.  I <3 you!!! 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Umm.. yay!

So I had my coaching today and I was down 3 pounds and 6 inches!  Okay, 5.75 but who's counting?  LOL
Not too shabby for one week!  I am hoping for similar results next time.  Thursday, I leave for Gettysburg with my buddy Erin for our adventure with the Paranormal State group.  I'm really excited!  That's it for now.  I've been gone all day and I have a couple of things to do....


Tomorrow is the moment of truth (for the week)!

Tomorrow, I go to see Judi to get weighed, measured, and my coaching.  I can't wait to see how I did.  I made it to the gym 4x in the last week so far.  I hope it's made a difference.  Just 1 small problem.  My monthly cycle is starting and I'm bloated.  That's going to make my weight inaccurate.  BLAH!!!

Today I bought a really cool scarf... in preparation for our trip to Gettysburg for the Paranormal State Field trip.  SOOOOO excited.  Here's a pic. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to get Miss Judi in a picture so that I can introduce you to her on my blog :)  I'm sure she'll be a sport :)  Lovely lady that she is.  I'll give a full report tomorrow.
I think that the Statin medication is working on my appetite.  I haven't been really hungry since I started it, which is a good thing.  I need all of the help I can get.  LOL

Today, I did 30 mins on the treadmill and all of the weight machines.  So, it was about an hour all together :) 

Ta ta for now!
Christina xo

Monday, March 15, 2010

Plugging along....

I am really doing super this week.  I'm down to 206.5, which is 1/2 a pound less than what I was at my lowest.  Yay!  I've also started food journaling again.  I'll see Judi on Thursday for weight/measurement/coaching.  In about 5 weeks, I'll have to have blood work done to check my liver function since I am now on the Statin medication.  Then, in 3 months, we will check the lipid panels and HBA1c again to make sure that everything is checking out.  I've made it to the gym 3x this week so far.  My arms have to be the weakest part of my body.  They are so sore. 

Today, I made an awesome smoothie.  It was as good as having some ice cream. 

agave nectar
protein powder
vanilla soy milk

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here we go, again....

Well, I'm back to blogging.  Not writing down what I was eating was not the best choice.  So, I started journalling today.  I also bought a 1 year gym membership yesterday.  I'm going to go tomorrow morning with Alisha.  I am really excited about getting going again.  I'm going to try to attach my Wellness Bridge measurements and see what happens.  This is a good way to track my progress. 

Report from Dr yesterday:

Fasting Blood Sugar was higher - 127 - should be around <90
Triglycerides - 220 - should be <125
Cholesterol - 170 - high for me

All of this led to be getting put on Cholesterol medication (statins), had to have a baseline HBA1c blood test to see how my blood sugar compares in 3 months.  I have to have liver blood work done in 6 weeks because of the statins.  And, all of the other labs drawn again in 3 months.  Doc isn't messing around now.

I bawled my eyes out at the appt and then took my fat ass to the college and joined the gym. 

I'll be updating this regularly again with meals, progress, and pictures.

I hope that you will follow along with me for support and encouragement.

<3 Christina